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Old April 14th, 2007, 10:14 AM
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Default Complex Serialization

Hi All;
I have 3 class, the first class "DataSetClass" has a List<> of 2th class "MyTable" , And 2th has a list<> of 3th class .

i want to serialaization of this object, what shall i do ?

'''''''' Thid is my my code without important property and method ..
     public class DataSetClass

        public DataSetClass()
         private DataSet dataset = new DataSet();
        public DataSet Dataset
             get { return dataset; }

         private List<MyTable> myDataTable;

         public List<MyTable> Tables
             get { return myDataTable; }
             set { myDataTable = value; }

    public class MyTable
        private DataTable _DataTable = new DataTable();
        public MyTable()
        { }

        private string spName;
        [Category("Setting Store Procedure")]
        public string SpName
            get { return spName; }
            set { spName = value; }

        List<MyColumn> columns;
        [Category("Table Property")]

        public List<MyColumn> Columns
            get { return columns; }
            set { columns = value; }

    public class MyColumn

        public MyColumn()

        private DataColumn _DataColumn = new DataColumn();

        public DataColumn DataColumn
            get { return _DataColumn; }
            set { _DataColumn = value; }

Thanks in advance.
Old April 16th, 2007, 08:37 AM
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Have you tried serializing it? Or are you looking for general code sample on serialization?


Old April 17th, 2007, 12:06 AM
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This is a complex class to serialization,I want to know comples serialization

Old April 17th, 2007, 07:28 AM
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Again, have you tried it? There are thousands of articles and documentation pages on the internet that explain how to do these things. Unless you have tried something already and are having an particular problem, I'm not going to just repeat what is already out there.

There's not anything terribly special about serializing a "complex" object. You serialize it and the serialization logic serializes everything underneath it. There are settings and attributes used to control/change how the serialization behaves. But ultimately, serializing a integer or a large object tree hierarchy amounts to the same thing, a stream of XML.

Please try some things and be more explicit with your questions. We are here to help by providing answers to discreet questions, not to provide complete solutions to vague requests. If you are looking for the latter, please try tutorials or books.

Old April 18th, 2007, 09:57 AM
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Thanks Peter ,
i read alot articles and sample about it .
this is my cuestion.
How can i serialize hirerchy class of generic ?

Old April 18th, 2007, 10:38 AM
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I think what you need to look into is the serialization attributes that you put on the properties that will be serialized. You have to tell the serializer what types will likely be serialized on a given property. It may very well behave the same way as if you have a property of an Interface type. The interface is not a specific implementation so the serializer can't figure out what class type to instantiate when it encounters the node in the XML. But by defining the possible types, it can determine what type at runtime the instance should be based on the XML.

I haven't done this much myself, but I think what you need to learn about is the XmlIncludeAttribute class. This tells the serializer what types to include in the serialization of the member the attribute is applied to.


Take a look at these pages for more:


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