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Old May 2nd, 2007, 01:23 PM
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Default Mark a USB Drive a Read Only.

Ok, this is giving me a headache. (Moreso due to me banging my head repeatedly off of my disk then because of the actual problem, but you will have that)

I have wrote a Windows app that preforms some actions against a USB Thumbdrive (the things that the application does is not pertinent to this post) but I am having some trouble with this final piece.

In so far as my research is concerned, I believe that it is not possible to pragmatically set a thumbdrive to be read-only at the device level. I have read multiple articles about how to do this via the Registry and using AD policies but nothing, as I said, at the device level.

So, plainly, is it possible to mark a USB Thumbdrive Read only regardless of the PC that it is accessed from?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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