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Old December 9th, 2007, 06:36 AM
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Default FTP

Guys how can I transfer file between two platforms using the standard FTP in .net? all I can get in google was how to use FTP with an FTP server, but what I need is between two local PCs.

Please Help :)

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Nothing is impossible. The impossible only takes longer. \"Digital Fortress, Dan Brown\"
Old December 9th, 2007, 07:14 AM
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Without one of the PCs having an FTP Server running then you can't do it - FTP is a client server technology, not a peer to peer.

/- Sam Judson : Wrox Technical Editor -/
Old December 9th, 2007, 07:58 AM
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Thanks man...

But sorry I am slightly confused here.. I don't know if my request was even right :) ..
what I do usually is: run cmd, ftp to a server, user name and password, get the file, and then close the ftp.

That exactly what i need :) .. I really don't know if you answer applies to that too, but well.. I hope it does not :).

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Old December 9th, 2007, 09:28 AM
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Sam is correct. FTP requires an FTP server.

Perhaps the confusion here is the terms used. The term "client" and "server" don't so much apply to the computer or the operating system, but more so to the software that is running.

When you "ftp to a server", you are indeed FTPing to an FTP *server*. You can install simple FTP servers on any machine so you can turn your "client" PC into a server as well. Much in the same way we develop ASP.NET applications. I run Windows XP which most people would consider a non-server operating system. However, I have IIS (which is an HTTP server) installed. I also have SQL server installed.

If your application needs to communicate with other instances of your application you have some other options. You can use .NET remoting. Your application listens to a TCP port you designate and it calls other instances on that port. You only need to know the addresses of the other machines.


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