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C# 2005 For discussion of Visual C# 2005.
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Old January 6th, 2008, 04:03 PM
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Default C# Output Window

Hello everyone,

I've been a programmer for years but I'm just now learning C# and .net. I'm using the Wrox book Visual C# 2005 and I've gotten to Chapter 7 without any major issues. However, when I typed in the first example in Chapter 7, the one that outputs to the Output window, it doesn't actually output anything to the window. I figured I missed something, so I grabbed the code for the chapter from Wrox.com and ran it. Once again, I'm getting nothing from the Output window, though the Debug window shows what it's supposed to. The program appears to be running as required.

Anyone else have this problem?



Old January 7th, 2008, 01:28 AM
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Seeing as we don't all have the book in question, could you kindly post the code that is causing the problem?

Also, there are book specific areas on this forum. If you don't have luck in this category, you might be able to elicit a response from the author.


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