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Old October 1st, 2004, 07:06 AM
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Default XML Spy question - output window extn

One thing that really irritates me when I'm using XML Spy is that the output window of XSL transforms seems to completely ignore the type of output I'm trying to produce.

The only thing that seems to affect whether you get an xml or html output window is the setting on Tools > Options > XSL. I'm using XML Spy a lot at the moment and I'm constantly switching between transforms that generate html and ones that generate xml. Most of the time I forget to change the Tools > Options > XSL and so I end up with xml in an html view, or vice versa.

Does anyone know if its possible to tell XML Spy to automatically create an output window that matches what's in the <xsl:output> tag of the stylesheet?

hoping someone knows, coz it drives me mad...


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