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Old June 27th, 2008, 04:58 AM
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Default uploading file to a remote IP using upload control

Hi All

I want to upload file to a remote server. Currently i am using this code:

 protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (fupInProc.HasFile)
            fupInProc.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("documents\\" + fupInProc.FileName));
            lblUpload.Text = "File Uploaded:" + fupInProc.FileName;
            lblUpload.Text = "No File Uploaded";

Please tell me how to give the address of server along with UserID and PWD in the path.
Say if IP is

Old June 27th, 2008, 05:32 AM
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When you say 'upload' what do you mean? If you just want to save the file to a different server on the same network then just create a share on that server and save it directly:

fupInProc.SaveAs(@"\\\DocShare\" + fupInProc.FileName);

If you mean some other method of transfer then please say exactly how you would like to transfer the document.

/- Sam Judson : Wrox Technical Editor -/
Old June 27th, 2008, 06:47 AM
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yes, i just want to save the file to a different server on the same network but one thing is intriguing me is that if a create a 'share' folder,would it not be a securtiy risk?(I may be wrong) Is there any way to give user name and password for that particular server in save as.

Old June 27th, 2008, 06:57 AM
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It would only be insecure if you didn't implement any security, or let 'Everyone' read and write to the share.

You can restrict security to the 'user' which is running your web site, I forget what this default to, either Network Service, or ASP.Net.

/- Sam Judson : Wrox Technical Editor -/
Old June 27th, 2008, 07:50 AM
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Getting a web app to talk to the local file system is hard enough. Getting it to talk to (and certainly to write files) to a networked system is even more difficult.

The initial problem is that the security context that the site runs as is a local one. To complicate things, the security context changes as you progress through the life of an ASP.NET web request. The IIS service, as Sam suggested, typically runs as "Network Service". However, you can set a particular site or virtual directory to run under another user. Furthermore, you can configure ASP.NET to impersonate yet another user. So it can be very difficult to figure out exactly "who" it is that is doing some action against the file system.

As I mentioned, the user context for these processes are local ones. In order to successfully access a network share you'll need to run your site and possibly processes as domain accounts in order to get security contexts between machines that will cooperate. Of course, this then also requires both machines being members of the same or trusted domains.

One solution may be to create a virtual directory in the site you are trying to do this in. That virtual directory will point to the network location you wish to save files to. When you set it up you can specify what user to connect as, and in this case you can specify an external user context, such as a local account from the other machine (MACHINENAME\USER). This would likely be a bit more secure that modifying the IIS sites or process. When you save files, you'll just save them to a "local" virtual path such as /mysite/myMappedVirtualDir.

Unfortunately, setting up things like this typically becomes trial-and-error. You have to just keep trying different things until it works. It is understandable that web site technologies adhere to the principle of least privilege, but it often gets in the way of simply getting things done.


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