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Old January 21st, 2009, 08:26 PM
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Default Platform Builder and C#

Platform Builder is a tool for building a Windows CE Operating system on your computer and then loading it on a Windows CE device.
All this is done through Platform Builder. And I do it all through the Microsoft Visual Stuido Development Environment (IDE).
I want to automate the process of using the Platform Builder. So far, I only know how to use the Platform Builder through the IDE. I want to use the Platform Builder through another program written in C#.
Another approach to this goal is to learn how to use Platform Builder from the command line. If it can be done by the command line, then it could also be done through a C# program. I have seen some links here and there that say that you can do a Platform Builder build from the command line, but so far, they are not so good.
Any tips?
This link:
talks about "How to Use the Command Line to Create, Customize, and Build a Run-Time Image"
but it has links about Creating ai OS Design (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa448498.aspx) that requires using the IDE.
It would be great to find a good link about this topic..

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