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Old March 31st, 2009, 10:45 AM
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Default Error During Deserializing Decripted File.


I am addding say 10 String Values in a list and am serializing it and Saving in a file and then I encrypt the File and Zip it and send it thro mail .

In the Other End I download the attachment , Unzip it , Decrypt the File and When I am Trying to Deserialize it . I am getting the Error . I am able to Deserialize the File .

" I compared the both the serialized ie., Before Encryption and After Encryption . there is a change in teh First Line"

I tried Using both Unicode encoding and UTF8 encoding . Both resulte the same error.

Could Someone help me Sort out this error. and Can we encrypt the serialized data.

Old April 3rd, 2009, 10:31 AM
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How are you encrypting the file after you serialize (save) it?

Wouldn't it be better to encrypt the data then save it to a file, zip the file and email it.

On the other end you would unzip the file, open it, read the data and then decrpyt the data.
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