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Old September 6th, 2004, 12:57 AM
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Default Transfer Files via FTP

I want to transfer a file through FTP to another computer,I have no idea of it,of course I have tested the methods of Uri and UriBuiding ad uploading to the destination,but it did not solved my problem.DOes anybody why my proccess does not wok in a project of ASP.NET with the codebehind:
String FileName="E:\\Documents and Settings\\snutmp43\\Desktop\\MyXml.xml";
            UriBuilder URI=new UriBuilder();
            Uri MuUri=URI.Uri;
            WebClient client=new WebClient();
I need some guidance,or even better a simple sample,of tranfering files via FTP through an ASP.NET web application by the code behind C#.Please help me as soon as U can:(

Old September 7th, 2004, 09:36 PM
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Well, there isn't an easy answer for you unfortunately. You have to write a class that acts as an FTP client. I have one that works well, but my boss says we can't give it away, sorry. You may want to refer to this link:


Hope this helps,

Get A Computer Job!
Old September 8th, 2004, 12:36 AM
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Thanks,that worked!

But I found some bugs,the getlist in the project only acts correctly for the first time that I define a mask,it does not rok properly when I call the function with a repeated mask,
and It can not change the path(the Virtual Directories) except one time at first,do you have any idea?

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