Problem with First.cs output via Console.WriteLine
When running the console application First.cs (p. 38, Wrox Professional C# 2nd Edition), I'm not seeing any console output.
I have the SDK installed, the path set properly, and csc.exe works correctly. However, when I open a command prompt (whether the standard Windows cmd prompt, or the Visual Studio .NET command prompt), I do not see the output I expect from the Console.WriteLine method.
There is nothing wrong with the program code itself. (I took it directly from the Wrox website, and I've also tried several other basic "hello world" type programs from other C# websites.) I've also tried redirecting stdout to a file, without any success.
The code is shown below:
using System;
namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Basics
class MyFirstCSharpClass
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("This isn't at all like Java!");
And the only output is the from the csc command itself, but not the text from the WriteLine:
D:\ScriptDev\C#\Ch2>csc First.cs
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What's happening to my stdout output?