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Old July 10th, 2003, 09:44 AM
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Default Submitting a form to a database

I am attempting to create an asp page where the user will sign a guest book. The page then validates the required fields, sends the information to the database and e-mails me the information to let me know a new entry has been inserted. I am doing this on brinkster and the only error message I get is "There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed."

Here is my code--

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
if isempty(Request.Form("Submit")) then
 'initial message to the user
 'listed in html part
 TheMessage1 = "Please use the form below to sign my guestbook."
 TheMessage2 = "Note that fields with * are required."
'temporary variables to hold the data
theName = Request.Form("theName")
Email = Request.Form("Email")
Location = Request.Form("Location")
Comments = Request.Form("Comments")

'check validation of Name
if isempty (Request.Form("theName")) or Request.Form("theName") = "" then
TheMessage1 = "The form was not submitted."
TheMessage2 = "Name is required!"

'check validation of email
elseif isempty(Request.Form("Email")) or Request.Form("Email") = "" then
 TheMessage1 = "The form was not submitted."
 TheMessage2 = "Email Address is required!"

elseif instr(Request.Form("Email", "@") = 0 or instr(Request.Form("Email"), ".") = 0 then
 TheMessage1 = "The form was not submitted."
 TheMessage2 = "Email address is invalid!"
end if

'connect to the database
set MyConn = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
MyConn.Open ("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ="& Server.MapPath("\nvillare\db\nidia.mdb"))

'form has been submitted
ThanksMessage = "Thanks " & _
ThanksMessage = ThanksMessage & theName & _
ThanksMessage = ThanksMessage & "for signing my guestbook!"
TheMessage1 = cstr(ThanksMessage)
TheMessage2 = "Your entry will be reviewed prior to posting."

'combine the message to send to my email address
EmailMessage = "Sign-In entry to be reviewed for posting:" &
  '13 creates a new line in the message
  chr(13) & chr(13)
EmailMessage = EmailMessage & "Name: " & theName & chr(13)
EmailMessage = EmailMessage & "Email Address: " & Email & chr(13)
EmailMessage = EmailMessage & "Location: " & Location & chr(13)
EmailMessage = EmailMessage & "Comments: " & Comments & chr(13)

'set connection to email the message
set objMail = CreateObject("CDNTS.NewMail")
'send message to my email address
'parameter is to who, from, subject, message
objMail.Send "[email protected]", Request.Form("Email"), _
"New Entry into the GuestBook!", cstr(EmailMessage)
'destroy the objMail
set objMail = nothing

'insert data into the database
MySQL = "INSERT INTO SignIn (theDate, theName, Email, Location, Comments)"
MySQL = MySQL & " VALUES ('" & Now() & "','"
MySQL = MySQL & theName &"','"
MySQL = MySQL & Email &"','"
MySQl = MySQL & Location &"','"
MySQL = MySQL & Comments &"')"

MyConn = null

Any help os greatly appreciated!



Old January 27th, 2005, 03:54 AM
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I have a problem in submitting the form using vbscript

Old January 27th, 2005, 06:38 PM
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;;;There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed

That would be a Brinkster issue. You get what you pay for with them.


Your post is a bit lite to troubleshoot. BTW: forms get submitted using html

Wind is your friend

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