I'm not completely sure about this, but I don't think you can have GET variables in the redirect. The PHP documentation doesn't really explain whether it is allowed or not. You might be able to send a variable over the redirect though, like so:
$page='Voting Successful';
header('Location: xxx');
Also, notice that you wrote 'header(Location: xxx)'. You need quotation marks inside the parenthesis: header('Location: xxx') or header("Location: xxx"), however I would recommend using single quotes ', because the php engine doesn't parse single quotes for variables, which makes your program run much faster. So, when writing strings with variables, use:
'This is a string with a '.$variable.'.'
instead of
"This is a string with a $variable."
Also, HTML standards say that you should close all tags that don't have closing tags with a '/'. For example, use '<br />' instead of '<br>' and '<img src="xxx" /> instead of '<img src="xxx">. It would be a good idea to start practicing this, as the old style is deprecated and will eventually die out. If you want to know more, I'd suggest taking a look at