Dear Anubhav,
This is a server side XML. So, I think, there is no browser compatibility problem. Am I incorrect ?
This may not work when the correct XML parser library is not installed. This library is free to download from microsoft site.
I did not have a chance to test it with ASP 2.0. It is working correctly with ASP 3.0 and msxml 4.0 on windows 2000.
There is also a winsock based solution. You need to download and install w3 sockets from A sample code is given below.
Set obj_sock=Server.CreateObject("Socket.TCP")
str_request="POST /actionpage.asp HTTP/1.1" & vbcrlf
str_request=str_request & "Accept */*" & vbcrlf
str_request=str_request & "field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3" & vbcrlf
str_request=str_request & vbcrlf
obj_sock.SendLine str_request
Response.Write "<pre>" & Server.HTMLEncode(obj_sock.buffer) & "</pre>"
obj_sock.buffer will give the output from actionpage.asp. More help is included with the component.
This was working correctly on windows NT (IIS 4.0) also.