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Old August 31st, 2005, 04:09 AM
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Default distinct problem

hello all
i have a page with dependent select menus.the child select menu has values that repeat and i don't want have them more thn once.i use distinct for my recordset but when i put istinct in my recordset the page dosen't show anything just the packground of page and nothing else.how should i have these values just once?please help me to fix this problem
thank you

Old September 6th, 2005, 02:47 PM
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There could be one of the following reason why you see your page empty:

1. check the query result after using distinct in your select statement.
   (ex. select distinct menu_name from menuinfo)
2. if the query run perfect in query designer, you can check your webpage code and check whether the recordset is recivig the proper query result ? if not then there is prob in query and if yes then there may be some problem in your page code.

debugging the page is the great way to check

still you can give me more details of your code so i can solve it


[email protected]

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