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Old October 19th, 2004, 07:13 PM
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Default How to highlight 3 keywords in 3 colors?

I found this. The reason I chose this is because it is case-sensitive. I changed to my preferences. This is working:

Function Highlight(strText, strFind, strBefore, strAfter)
  Dim nPos
  Dim nLen
  Dim nLenAll

  nLen = Len(strFind)
  nLenAll = nLen + Len(strBefore) + Len(strAfter) + 1

  Highlight = strText

  If nLen > 0 And Len(Highlight) > 0 Then
    nPos = InStr(1, Highlight, strFind, 1)
    Do While nPos > 0
      Highlight = Left(Highlight, nPos - 1) & _
        strBefore & Mid(Highlight, nPos, nLen) & strAfter &_
         Mid(Highlight, nPos + nLen)

      nPos = InStr(nPos + nLenAll, Highlight, strFind, 1)
  End If
End Function
Dim strText, strFind
strText= Highlight(strText, strFind,"<b>", "</b>")
'strText= Highlight(strText, strFind,"<b>", "</b>")
'strText= Highlight(strText, strFind,"<b>", "</b>")
Response.Write strText
But I put "'" at the end like 'strFind=Keywordb. What I need is to highlight Keyword in red as it does already, Keywordb in blue, and Keywordc in green.

Old October 20th, 2004, 11:37 AM
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How about this?
strText= Highlight(strText, strFind,"<b>", "</b>")
strText= Highlight(strText, strFind,"<b>", "</b>")
strText= Highlight(strText, strFind,"<b>", "</b>")
Response.Write strText
Hope that helps.

- Vijay G
Strive for Perfection
Old October 20th, 2004, 06:01 PM
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thanks a lot!

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