idea of report & DataSet
Dear all,
I have a report for my C#.NET Win App in VS.NET 2003!
I use MS-SQL Server 2000, DataSet & sqlDataAdapter for my form.
I fill my DataSet in a form & show in grid & ...
Now I wanna creat Report form my current info of grid.
I have 2 ways: [u]Using SP again to retrive data for report (.rpt)</u> OR [u]Use my filled DataSet as a report DataSorce</u>
I know how to use DataSet for report but I have to fill it again since I wanna show & bind it to CrystalReportViewer in diffrent Form!
Now my problem is: I dont wanna fill my DataSet again since its already filled in my form, & just need ot bind/send my Filled DataSet to child window to show!
Is there anyway for that! or I have to have a report_form per my every forms?!
I hope I was clear & wait for ur response.
Hovik Melkomian.
Hovik Melkomian.