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Old August 6th, 2004, 04:09 AM
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Default Crystal Report & VB6 & SQL Server

i have a vb6 program load few crystal reports that get data from SQL Server through ODBC...
most of them can load data successfully and printed out...
but 1 of them is using 2 tables and it is fail to load the datas...
it get error...
(Logon failed.
Details:28000:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login failed for user "LOS")
Set Report13 = objCrystal.OpenReport(App.Path & "\Report13.rpt")
CRViewer91.ReportSource = Report13

what is the problem of this??? because only this report call 2 tables and cannot be loaded.

Old February 1st, 2005, 07:05 PM
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Try designing the report based on a view. Try to put all the required fields in the view then put them into the report and coll it from vb

Old June 5th, 2013, 01:58 AM
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Red face Crystal Report (8.5) is not working on win7/windows 2008 64 bit system

Hi Dear,

i m also facing the same problem. If you can help me out with the following issue,I will appreciate.

Crystal Report (8.5) is not working on win7/windows 2008 64 bit system

My application is a vb application and I am using Crystal report 8.5. It is working fine on 32 bit system and 64 bit system of Windows 2003 server. When I run the same application either on win7 64 bit or on 2008 64 bit, report does not open.
I am using vb script to access the database.
Part of the code written in the VB script file is as follows:
Dim objrsRecordSet 'As RecordSet
Dim strSQL 'As String

'**** Open Database Connection using the parameters passed from the main program
Set dbConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
dbConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=" & mstrServer & ";uid=" & mstrUserName _
& ";pwd=" & mstrPassword & ";Database=" & mstrDatabase & ";"

dbConnection.CommandTimeout = 200

dbConnection.Properties("Enable Fastload").Value = True

Basically we have two visual basic projects developed in VB 6.0 language: let’s say
1. Diapp (we consume the report.dll in this application, in order to generating the reports)
2. Adacrystalapp (which is used for making the report.dll)

Diapp application generating the reports on windows-XP(32 bit machines) without any problems but when I run the same application on 64 bit machines(win7/Vista…etc) report is not generating.
If I run the both applications (Diapp, Adacrystalapp) in debug mode then reports are generating on 64 bit machines (win7/vista) also without any problems.

Please help me out with this issue, i will appreciate for your response.

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