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Old March 17th, 2004, 09:27 AM
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Default Output Size

I have a VBA template (Little Less than 1 MB) . Template contains a worksheet (1) which contains data and i have couple of forms with listboxes etc which pick the data from the worksheet (1) and depending upon the selections made on forms output is created on worksheet (2) . Now my problem is that when output is created the size of my xls is same (little less that 1 mb) where as now i dont need that data in worksheet (1) and all the forms and macros/code etc. Could someone suggest a way to cut down the size of my worksheet with output.

Suggestions will be appreciated

Ajitpal S Padda
Ajitpal S Padda
Old March 17th, 2004, 02:23 PM
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I solve this problem by writing the code to produce a new workbook with the only the necessary information. I don't use templates (personal preference), but the concept should work. Either have a basic sheet in your source workbook that you copy (worksheets("Source").copy) to create the new workbook, or create a new workbook (workbooks.add) and then use a range copy to put down the information that the User needs.

Old April 3rd, 2004, 06:42 PM
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another tip is that make sure you only copy the area that contains data, don't go copying a whole sheet, as you may find that you are copying a range bigger that needed ( blank formatted cells ) these all add up.
Copy and paste special values only the data needed, and this should reduce the size.

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