export data to Excel??
I'm trying to export data to a new Excel Sheet as an application. And I am using the following VBScript sub:
Sub print2(controlID)
dim sButtonClicked, sHTML, pos, sButtonHTML, oExcel, oBook, Elements, tblTOExport
sButtonClicked = controlID & "_hlkExportTOExcel"
Set Elements = document.all.tags("table")
FOR i=0 TO Elements.length -1
pos = InStr(Elements.Item(i).innerHTML, sButtonClicked)
if pos > 0 then
tblTOExport = Elements.Item(i).Id
Exit For
end if
sHTML = document.all.item(tblTOExport).outerHTML
sButtonHTML = document.all.item(sButtonClicked).outerHTML
sHTML = Replace(sHTML, sButtonHTML, " ")
set oExcel = createobject("Excel.application")
set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add
oBook.HTMLProject.HTMLProjectItems("Sheet1").Text = sHTML
oExcel.Visible = True
oExcel.UserControl = True
End Sub
I've two problems :
1) In the formed sheet I cannot see Turkish characters correctly. I'm losing actual letters, is there a need to set the encoding / language to Turkish, if there is how can I do that?
2) I want to remove the Hyperlinks in the sheet but when I use WorkSheet.Hyperlinks.Delete I'm also losing the formatting.
Any help??