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Old May 29th, 2006, 11:13 PM
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Default charts

i have some charts in a worksheet , and i want to show one of them when user select an item in combobox . means for each item of combobox one of the charts should be shown and the other should be hidden .
how can i show or hide a chart by vb code ?

Old May 31st, 2006, 09:53 AM
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I'm guessing these charts are embedded on the current worksheet rather than on separate tabs. If this is the case you can get all of the charts on a sheet by using the ChartObjects method on the worksheet object to return a collection. With this collection you can either loop through until you find the desired named Chart or you can skip straight to the desired one by specifying the known index number. Having got the ChartObject in question you just need to set the Visible property to True / False to hide and display. The following bit of code demonstrates the principle on the first Chart of Sheet1, amend sheet name / chart number as appropriate...

Sub Test()

Dim wb As Worksheet

    Set wb = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")

    wb.ChartObjects(1).Visible = False
    MsgBox "Hidden"

    wb.ChartObjects(1).Visible = True
    MsgBox "Visible"

End Sub

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