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Old October 22nd, 2004, 08:54 AM
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Default mouse listener trouble


im using falsh mx 2004 pro and am having a bit trouble with using a mouse listener. I have two buttons, on to add the listener and the other to remove it. The add one works fine but the remove one doesnt. I have spent ages looking around to see what I am doing wrong but have been unsuccessfull. Can anyone help me?

I have this code in it -

function add_mouse_listener() {

    var select_listener:Object = new Object();
    select_listener.onMouseUp = selection_check;



function remove_mouse_listener() {

    trace("remove_mouse_listener() called");


function selection_check() {

    trace("mouse listener active");


and on the buttons I have

    trace("button released");



and on the other

    trace("button released");



Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time
Old October 22nd, 2004, 04:50 PM
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I don't really know anything about this as I'm only a Flash designer. However, you may want to ask this at Flash Kit You may get help there.

Just a quick warning: In order to use the Flash Kit forums, you need to register but the good thing is that you don't have to pay to use the Flash Kit forums

Hope this helps,

Ben Horne
I don't want to sound like I haven't made any mistakes. I'm confident I have.

Welcome to the New Age
Old October 25th, 2004, 05:09 AM
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Just thought I would post the solution to this problem rather than just leaevining it blank, incase anyone else has this problem. The problem was that I was declaring the listener object in the add_mouse_listener function and therefore the object was accessible only to that object - it should have been ddeclared before the function. Stupid mistake really. But this is how it should have looked.

var select_listener:Object = new Object();

function add_mouse_listener() {

    select_listener.onMouseUp = selection_check;



function remove_mouse_listener() {

    trace("remove_mouse_listener() called");


function selection_check() {

    trace("mouse listener active");


Now both functions have access to the listener object.
Old October 28th, 2004, 02:09 PM
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Glad you got it figured out.

Remember that you always have Flash Kit as a place to go to for help if we can't solve your problem here.

Ben Horne
I don't want to sound like I haven't made any mistakes. I'm confident I have.

Welcome to the New Age

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