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Old June 22nd, 2003, 11:59 PM
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Default XML Listener

Hi all,
I need a listening program to sit on the server waiting for XML files to be passed to it, then acting on them.

I would like some info on the best way to send the XML file as well as how to set up the listener.

Any tips or reference links would be much appreciated.

Thank you
"They say, best men are molded out of faults,
And, for the most, become much more the better
For being a little bad."
Old June 25th, 2003, 08:53 PM
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Is it in .NET?
I have an application where XML Is heavily involved (create several instructions based on a 'mother' instruction and data from a database.
In .NET I experimented with the new file system watcher but I wasn't too happy with it. Basically when I got more than 60 files at the same time, my code f**ked up and created heavy errors. I got a lot of filelocks, very annoying...
So what I did is a loop (every two seconds) that checks all received files in a loop (for each receivedfile in system.file.directory.getfiles("mydirectory") and then processed that file. For distributing all the results we use FTP.
Old June 25th, 2003, 08:58 PM
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Thanks Dries,
I'll mess arround a bit with your suggestions.
Most of the app is ASP but and the listener will be stand alone VB, I may in the long run do it in .NET for the experience.

THanks again.

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