I am doing a DotNet Migration project from
VB to
VB.Net and I have some queries given below.
What are the equivalent DotNet code for the following
VB code.
* ADODB.Field
* ADODB.Value
* ADODB.Type
* ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adSingle
An Example Function is given below.
Private Function ConvertNull( ByRef pobjError As LibERROR.ErrCookie,ByVal iobjField As ADODB.Field) As Variant
If Not IsNull(iobjField.Value) Then
ConvertNull = iobjField.Value
Select Case iobjField.Type
Case adSingle, adBigInt, adInteger, adDouble, adDecimal, adCurrency
ConvertNull = INT_ZERO
End Select
End If
End Function
I suppose DotNet code for ADODB.Field is System.Type. Is it correct..?