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.NET Web Services Discussions about .NET XML Web Service technologies including ASMX files, WSDL and SOAP.
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Old July 20th, 2003, 09:16 AM
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Default serialize more complex objects


in chapter 5 (prof asp.net webserv.) wrox gave a sample of serialising complex objects but typically they use an arraylist for bilding more complex objects.
But what if I want to code a different way and implement a list by myself?
I changed the order-object in that I use my own list creating object but then serialisation fails. So my question: How serialize this order-object?
wkr: Wilhelm Pieper

public class Order: Object
    private LinearList _OrderItems;

    public class LinearList
        public ListItem Head = null;
        public ListItem Current = null;
        public int Count = 0;

        public class ListItem{
            public OrderItem OI = null;
            public ListItem Next=null;
                public ListItem(){}

            public LinearList(){}

            public void Add(OrderItem oI)
                if (Head == null)
                    Head = new ListItem();
                    Head.OI = oI;
                    Head.Next = null;

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