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.NET Web Services Discussions about .NET XML Web Service technologies including ASMX files, WSDL and SOAP.
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Old March 16th, 2005, 10:53 AM
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Default unable to connect remote server

hello friends

when i am running any application it will give error

underlying connection is closed
unable to connect remote server

connection like this


Old April 25th, 2005, 02:10 AM
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Dear Harendra,

There can be two reasons for this error. Either the server application that you've created is not running or, if running, it's listening on a different port no.

Please ensure that the server and client applications both use the same port numbers, channels and formatters. Also try to rename the object uri so that it contains only a single period, e.g. try using http://localhost:8082/customers.rem instead of http://localhost:8082/myobjects.customers.rem.



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