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Old August 3rd, 2006, 04:13 AM
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Default inserting BLOB into MySQL DB, carriage newline

Hello. I am trying to insert text into a mysql database as a blob type, and later I retrieve the blob entry from the database and output it, again as text.

When you insert text as a blob into a database, and then output it, tags like <b>Hello!</b> do work and the text is outputted as bold, and the carriage return <br> and new paragraph <p> work as well.

However, what i want is when you enter the text to input into the database in the text box, and click the enter key to put it on a new line, I would like my php code to determine when the user inputted a new line and to add the appropriate <br> tags before entering the blob into the database. Then when the text is outputted, it has the <br> tag and will show the stuff after the <br> tag on the next line.

Any help would be great.

jcsnyder at gmail dot com

Old September 8th, 2006, 12:51 PM
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[www.php.net/nl2br] nl2br is the function that you want to use on your text before putting it into the db

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