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Old May 12th, 2005, 08:54 AM
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Default Linking Remote Sql Server with Web server

I have got a project every thing is done except one .

i need to link to 3 sql servers running in 3 different areas,with a webserver,so that i can get all the data recieved on the webserver to yet another sql server at the Head office of the company.

An idea struck me to do this by simple queries but thats gona make it a slow process. I need to make it work faster,and also an automated one.I've heard that it can be done by MSDTC but i'm not much aware about this as i'm new to sql servers.

Any one got any idea to help me plz help me out!!!!!

Old May 26th, 2005, 04:13 AM
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SQL Server supports Replication. So you can use it to get all of your SQL Servers synchronized automatically. There's a whole chapter on this topic in the book Mastering SQL Server 2000. You can search the internet for a related article.

Another way around this issue is that you can create an import/export process yourself. This process will select data from one server and store it in an (may be) Access database. This database shoule be made available to the other offices where your process will import the data. This is a one-time development process. However continuous human interaction is required the data will need to be exported, then sent to another office and then imported.

So think about these two solutions. I hope they help.



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