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SQL Server 2000 General discussion of Microsoft SQL Server -- for topics that don't fit in one of the more specific SQL Server forums. version 2000 only. There's a new forum for SQL Server 2005.
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Old August 1st, 2004, 07:18 AM
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Default Hey Hal !

 Hey Hal !

 Can u plz gimme a Instance a Example of a SQL SERVER and an Instance of a BIZTALK SEVER. can u suggest me some Book for underatnding the Biz Talk server Usage in an .Net Environment.


Old August 2nd, 2004, 08:57 AM
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PLEASE stop making new threads... Use the old threads to continue discussions.

I can't give you an example of a piece of software.. they are not even SLIGHTLY related.

SQL server stores data

BIZTALK exchanges data.

If SQL Server is an envelope, BizTalk is the Postal Service.

Hal Levy
Web Developer, PDI Inc.

NOT a Wiley/Wrox Employee

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