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Old December 16th, 2004, 01:41 AM
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Default Select distinct data from one column

I have a table 'wRelated' with the following columns

    [related_id] [int]
    [channel_id] [int]
    [mui] [varchar]
    [type_id] [int]
    [related_mui] [varchar] (100)
    [date_started] [smalldatetime]
    [date_ended] [smalldatetime]
    [date_entered] [datetime]
    [deleted] [tinyint],
    [rank] [int]
data in column [mui] is repeated as the table has more than one entries for the same [mui],
The requirement is to select the distinct[mui] but value in all the other columns for the same mui should be select in the next row with null for the same [mui]
The recordset expected should be something like this.

[mui],[related_mui],[price_group_id],[date_entered],[date_ended] m123,rm345,'pr','12-10-2003',12-12-2004'

I have tried Unions and temporary table inserts.

Old December 17th, 2004, 10:25 AM
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Try using distinct

Here a is sample
SELECT DISTINCT related_id,channel_id,mui,price_group_id,type_id,related_mui,date_started,date_ended,date_entered,deleted,rank 
FROM wRealted
GROUP BY related_id,channel_id,mui,price_group_id,type_id,related_mui,date_started,date_ended,date_entered,deleted,rank

Jaime E. Maccou

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