Stored Procedure
I have a table in the structure
indexno identity
cardno varchar
trdate datetime
trtime datetime
I am getting the data from the scanner(Attendance scanner) using some frontend(ASP)
I want to calculate number of hours worked in tat month.
For this i want to write a S.P. But i am not sure how many records for each card on each day. Generally 4(morning IN, morning OUT, lunch IN, evening OUT)
sometimes will have OT(After 6:00 PM)
How can i get the totalRegularHours and totalOTHours in tat month with this table structure.
I need to calculate for each date. Suppose one day one EMP worked in OT and all other days normal hours. I want to get regular and OT hours. I dont have IN/OUT data. I have only scanned time and date for each card. So tat how can i find hours worked. As i have un equal records for each day. I think u got it.
Pls give me reply.
Thanks in advance.