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Old June 16th, 2006, 02:48 PM
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Default stored procedure

Im trying to create a stored procedure that joind 2 tables; Organizations and Users. Firstly it needs to return a resultset that list all matching Organizations and the Users that belong to each Organization. (see below)

    O.HiddenOrgID, O.OrganizationName, O.OrgAddressNumber, O.OrgAddressDirection, O.OrgAddressStreet, O.OrgAddress2,
    O.OrgCity, O.OrgState, O.OrgZip, O.OrgZip6, O.BrokerID,
    U.HiddenUsrID, U.UserLastName, U.UserFirstName, U.UserMI
FROM dbo.Organizations O
    INNER JOIN dbo.Users U ON
        O.HiddenOrgID = U.HiddenOrgID

WHERE U.user_is_active = 1 AND (O.OrganizationName IS NOT NULL) AND (U.UserLastName IS NOT NULL)

Problem is, I also need to return with the same resultset the Broker Information which is also a join between the same 2 tables. Only not all Organization records will have a BrokerID populated; some will be nulls.

In other words I need to return the following;

1. All users attched to the Org.
2. Broker Info attached to Org if exist.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Old June 19th, 2006, 03:37 PM
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FROM dbo.Organizations O
INNER JOIN dbo.Users U ON O.HiddenOrgID = U.HiddenOrgID
INNER JOIN dbo.Brokers B ON B.HiddenBrokerID = O.HiddenBrokerID
WHERE U.user_is_active = 1
         AND O.OrganizationName IS NOT NULL
         AND U.UserLastName IS NOT NULL
Old June 19th, 2006, 04:45 PM
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I don't understand how you could have a HiddenOrgID in the Users table for an organization that doesn't have a name. I could see how you could have a User who was not yet assigned to an organization and there would be a NULL value in the Users table for that User.

If you had a NULL value in the Users table for HiddenOrgID you don't want to pull that record anyway. That would simplify things. Then you could do an OUTER JOIN when joining the Brokers table to the Org table. That way you'd get all of the records in the Users table that have been assigned to an Org with a Name even if they had not been assigned to a broker.

Something like:

                      Orgs ON Users.OrgID = Orgs.OrgID LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      Brokers ON Orgs.BrokerID = Brokers.BrokerID

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