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Old May 13th, 2006, 08:51 AM
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Default Select from Two Tables Problem

Hello Friend.
There are two tables as follow:
Table name --> Emp
   CustID EmpName EmpCity
     001 Joy Agra
     002 Sim Delhi
     003 Kim Goa

Table name --> Order
    ItemID CustId Quantity Price
     1001 001 2 $5
     1001 001 4 $10
     1003 003 5 $20

Now, I want to display the names of those customers who have ordered atleast one item(example:joy and Kim).Also If any customer has ordered same item twice, I want to display the Total_Quantity and Total_Price.The required output is as follow:
     EmpName ItemID Total_Quantity Total_Price
      Joy 1001 6 $15
      Kim 1003 5 $20

I also have another problem. I want to display the names of those customers who have placed a single order(example: Kim).

Please tell me the queries for achieving the specified result.
Thank you, Waiting for some quick responses.

Gaurav Jain.
Old May 15th, 2006, 05:52 AM
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At least one item is solved with this code
SELECT Emp.EmpName,
        SUM(Order.Quantity) Total_Quantity,
        SUM(Order.Price) Total_Price
INNER JOIN Order ON Order.CustID = Emp.CustID
GROUP BY Emp.EmpName,

A single order is solved with adding HAVING clause
SELECT Emp.EmpName,
        SUM(Order.Quantity) Quantity,
        SUM(Order.Price) Price
INNER JOIN Order ON Order.CustID = Emp.CustID
GROUP BY Emp.EmpName,

Old May 18th, 2006, 07:18 AM
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PESO,Thank you very much.

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