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Old May 18th, 2006, 06:52 AM
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Default Access to SQL Server conversion

I'm a programmer and am converting an application from using an Access database to SQL Server (due to table limit restrictions in Access). The problem is, the Access Database has linked tables that are connected to tables on an I5. I want to make minimal changes to the application code, and was wondering if there was a way to link to tables in SQL Server so that it will behave like it currently does (minus the record limit restrictions). I have virtually no experience with SQL Server, and can't seem to find any examples of this being done. I'm kinda behind the


Old May 18th, 2006, 07:49 AM
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I would first recommend that you take some classes to become familiarized with SQL Server. I would be happy to recommend a quality training center to you, or some books.

Second, their is a way for SQL Server to link tables. It is called Linked Servers. In your SQL code you would refer to them by Servername.databasename.owner.tablename

By I5 I presume you are referring to the system formerly known as iSeries, formerly known as AS/400, and that it is in DB2.

I have user SQL Server to interface with an iSeries before. We loaded Client access 32 on the SQL Server and then we were able to set up connectivity. In that case we used DTS to copy data back and forth. But you could also use linked servers.

David Lundell
Principal Consultant and Trainer

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