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Old June 20th, 2006, 02:13 PM
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Default How can we store Images

Hi friends,

Can any one tell me that how can we store Images ie(.bmp or .jpeg or .gif) in the SQL Server database table & also in Oracle.
& after that how can I retrieve them to show in a web page.

If possible then pls give the coding also
Old June 20th, 2006, 04:52 PM
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Here's a link that may be able to help you, which is written in C#


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Old June 22nd, 2006, 02:27 PM
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In general it is a bad idea to store the actual pictue in the database. Only small application thinking MS suggests this. Normally in larger situations you would create a table that would store the file location. For example \\pictureserver\group1\pic234.jpg.
I prefer to break it down to multiple fields Server = "pictureserver" Drive or share, a path, and then the file name = 'pic234.jpg'.

Thes keeps your sql database smaller because there is no reasonable reason to make it enormous and slow down backups by putting the pictures in the database.

this allows you to keep your sql database in one place and put the pictures in many places without headaches. If you later move the files, you simply update your server/path/etc in the sql database.

Keep it small it runs better that way. Don't follow the MS way of doing things if you think your app will grow in space with all the pictures in it. Also try to limit the number of pictures in a given path, say 1000 or so. The file system can read/write the files quicker that way.

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