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Old November 30th, 2007, 02:09 PM
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Default how to store images

i want to know how i can save images in my table. and please give me example of that also.please reply soon. i need this thing very soon.
thanks in advance.

Old November 30th, 2007, 02:44 PM
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If you really need this soon, may I suggest you do some work yourself instead of instructing people to reply soon?

A 10 second search on Google will give you some very useful results on this topic.

Right now, we can't even answer your question as we don't know from where you want to save your images. Presumably not from the Query Analyzer, so maybe you are building a web site and using some server technology like ASP.NET? Or maybe you're building in desktop client in VB 6 or Java? Who knows? I don't, so it's pretty hard to advice you.

The only tip I can give: do some research yourself and then come here with a clear description of your problem and clear questions.



Imar Spaanjaars
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Old November 30th, 2007, 03:18 PM
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i have searched only after that i came here. i am making online shopping for that i have to store images. i m using j2ee for that.

i f you know any book or link that tell me.

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