SQL Server 2000, ASP and Crystal Report
I have a report in Crystal that I need to let users view/print his vacation/sick leave report via the web. I can generate a sql query string with the user information through asp and get it to the report. These are the steps I did that user can view the report.
1. A web form with Department dropdown list, Year drop down list, and Type dropdown list.
2. User first selects which department he wants to view, then what year and type of Vacation or Sick Leave from the web form.
3. Then I pass those three parameters(Department, Year, Type) to Crystal Report and display the report in a ActiveX view.
I follow the Crystal Report ASPXMPS8 and ASPXMPS85 examples to achieve this and it is working fine except it takes so long to retrive the data from the database. There is only 3000 records in the database, and I don't think this would affect the performance. I wonder if it would speed up the performance if I use store procedure in SQL server? What are the steps I need to do to do this? Thanks!