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Old March 22nd, 2004, 03:05 AM
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Default ASP & DTS in SQL server

hello people!
i am working on a customer care project with ASP (VB script) as the front end & MS SQL server as the back end
the description follows:

i am getting complaints from users which i will assign to engineers
i want to start a countdown timer on hitting a button based on the priority....
ie. i set the level of a particular record & press the save button....
if the level is 1, then a countdown timer of 15 minutes should be started & when the timer reaches 0,
an email should be generated & sent to me & another user that i will specify.
for level 2, timer should be 45 minutes & for level 3, it should be 180 minutes
how would this be done???

i want the provision for being able to run multiple timers concurrently

About the email notification, every 'complaint' is given a priority level and based upon it the engineer is supposed to fix
the problem. What i want is that once the prescribed time for a given 'complaint' expires,
an email is sent from the server end (sql server) to the relevant people,
in this case it should be sent to the coordinator (who forwards the complaint to an engineer)
and the user who logged in the complaint.How i figured this would work was by implementing a countdown timer for
every priority level, at the timeout of which the email is triggered by the server, automatically.
What i havent been able to figure out is how to implement the timer and connect it to the email trigger
or even if its going to work like that at all. Could someone please help me in this and also if someone could please tell me
what exactly needs to be done to set up an email service e.g what email component to use, how to configure it etc.

now i tried posting this topic in the ASP forum where i was suggested to use a DTS for the above
i am not sure how a DTS works & i tried to look it up on the net but didnt get anything useful.....
can someone please help me?
i am racing against time and all help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.!!!

Old March 22nd, 2004, 06:29 AM
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This might help. Sounds like what you need if you can install it etc.



Old March 24th, 2004, 12:48 AM
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my problem remains... as i aint working on .NET & this notifiation pack works only with .NET
any other way???

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