strQuery2="SELECT ArticleID FROM Articles WHERE ArtLastModifDate=
'" & f_str_modifdate2 & "'"
'Executing the query
set rsDB2=conDB2.Execute(strQuery2)
As suggested my previous post, you don't seem to use # around the
f_str_modifdate2 in your select statement.
Also I would suggest you to do a response.write of your strQuery2 and execute it in MSACCESS directly to see if that is successful, before doing a conDB2.Execute...
And when you want to select records from DB into recordset, always try to use method with proper parameters, rather than using connectionobject.execute, which is recommended to use when you insert/update/delete that doesn't rows of data.
strQuery2="SELECT ArticleID FROM Articles WHERE ArtLastModifDate='" &
f_str_modifdate2 & "'"
Response.write strQuery2
'Executing the query strQuery2
As you are selecting only the ArticleID, which IMO would be an integer or something not of lengthy text, I wonder what you are doing with the code below?
'Replacing ' with \'
if err.number<>0 then
ErrorHandler (Err.number)
end if
'Replacing \n with blank space
strResult2=Replace(strResult2,chr(10)," ")
strResult2=Replace(strResult2,chr(13)," ")
if err.number<>0 then
ErrorHandler (Err.number)
end if
Hope that helps.
-Vijay G
Strive for Perfection