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Old October 28th, 2003, 08:45 AM
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Default Generate a random article when page loads

Everytime the page loads a new article is supposed to appear and rotate through randomly all the articles in the new magazine(id=13) But it keeps brining up magazine 11. The code is in place but it dosen't seem to work anymore. The site is
http://www.ocean-resources.com/ and under current issue of Ocean Resources is suppose to be the articles from mag 13 and not 11. The code looks good, but I can't figure it out. Is there a program to use like(interdev) to see what value "magId" is holding so I can see where it goes wrong.

Thanks, Jamie

\"Don\'t follow someone who\'s not going anywhere\" John Mason
Old October 28th, 2003, 10:45 AM
sal sal is offline
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you can use something like:

SELECT Min(Field1) as NewField1
FROM Table1

NEWID() creates a new numeric ID, something like a new auto number within the query. Then you select the max value of it.

Hope this helps.


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