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Old January 15th, 2004, 05:34 AM
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Default Catching errors in a stored procedure


Is it possible to set error handling locally to a stored procedure, what I am trying to do is insert data using a stored procedure and if the insert fails due to a constraint between the FK of two tables I want to pass back a friendly message to an ASP page, but what seems to happen is that SQL handles the error before I can catch it displays the following message:

INSERT statement conflicted with TABLE FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_Directory_sec_employee'. The conflict occurred in database 'CNMS', table 'Employee'

So within my SP I am adding the following after my insert statement:


Then in my asp page I use the following after my execute command:

if objRS(0) = "WRONG SEC" Then
end if

I am no expert in SQL but my guess is SQL is taking control of the error which is why this select doesn't work.

Any ideas?

May thanks


I have also just tried to use TRAN only commiting to the insert if no error but still to no avail it still shows the default error message in the browser:


-- Test the error values.
Old February 3rd, 2004, 12:54 PM
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You can try using the RaiseError method. That may work. Then use the objConnection.Errors collection to check for errors to display to the screen.
Old October 13th, 2004, 10:17 AM
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Hi Trojan_UK,

Did you find the solution for this problem?
I have the same problem, cannot handling the error and cannot execute the rollback instruction.


quote:Originally posted by Trojan_uk

Is it possible to set error handling locally to a stored procedure, what I am trying to do is insert data using a stored procedure and if the insert fails due to a constraint between the FK of two tables I want to pass back a friendly message to an ASP page, but what seems to happen is that SQL handles the error before I can catch it displays the following message:

INSERT statement conflicted with TABLE FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_Directory_sec_employee'. The conflict occurred in database 'CNMS', table 'Employee'

So within my SP I am adding the following after my insert statement:


Then in my asp page I use the following after my execute command:

if objRS(0) = "WRONG SEC" Then
end if

I am no expert in SQL but my guess is SQL is taking control of the error which is why this select doesn't work.

Any ideas?

May thanks


I have also just tried to use TRAN only commiting to the insert if no error but still to no avail it still shows the default error message in the browser:


-- Test the error values.
Old October 13th, 2004, 11:29 AM
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I did not see a begin tran(saction) in the proc name. Also, why not check the @@error field directly, instead of passing it to a variable? Try referencing 'WRONG SEC' by an alias so you can reference to the field by name instead of position. Not sure if that would help...

Old October 13th, 2004, 11:56 AM
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Hi bmains,

Thanks for your fast response.
This is a example of my "problem":

begin transaction
insert into tblTest(unique_field)
if @@ERROR<>0
  rollback transaction
  commit transaction

If the "insert into.. " fails for any reason (duplicate value, rights, etc) TSQL raise a exception and
the next instruction "IF @@ERROR<>0 " dont work.
I cannot handling the error.

Thanks in advanced for your help.

Old October 13th, 2004, 01:07 PM
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So what is happening, do you believe that the else statement is executing, or is the problem that an error actually comes back to the application?

I don't know if if @@error <> 0 is foolproof, because I think there are errors that will return even if you have transactional processing. Permissions may be one of those issues.... I haven't fully researched it myself so I can't help you further, but would recommend looking into what errors transactional processing will catch.

Old April 13th, 2005, 04:13 AM
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hello there,

here is the solution as far as i see..

first of all, the working principle of an SP in case of an error is this..

- do something
- if there is an error, raise an exception
- set the proper @@error code
- execute any instructions left

as you see, (although you did not be able to see it did) your SP continued to work after raising the exception (which you saw in the asp page..)

(in order to be convinced you can put some test code after the error test clause..)

one things to keep in mind here:

- you should read the @@error and @@rowcount values into local variables immediately after the query, (not after any "return" or "print" command). And check those local variables. This will make sure that those @@error and @@rowcount values belong to your intended query results..

SO why do you see an exception message in the asp page? this might be related to your connection objects or something like that.. you might need to check them or implement an error handling mechanism there if necessary...

i hope it helps..
Old April 13th, 2005, 06:27 AM
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for an exception mechanism on asp you could have a look at this thread.. (search for the keywords "on error resume next")


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