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SQL Server DTS Discussion specific to Data Transformation Service with SQL Server. General SQL Server discussions should use the general SQL Server forum. Readers of the book Professional SQL Server 2000 DTS with questions specific to that book should post in that book forum.
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Old August 6th, 2005, 04:46 AM
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Default DTS Package failing

I have a DTS package that creates a temp table and then wites the values from that temp table to a flat file,
This DTS is scheduled every 15 min, Some times thee is no data modification in Source Table when the DTS is executed.

I have an ActiveX script that checks for the records on the datasourse, if the records on the source are greater than 0 the DTS executes correctly, but when there arre no records the dts package executes the on failure task, sends a notification email and then I get an error message saying te package has failed.

Is there any way in which the package stops executing when there are no records in the datasource and exits, rather than Giving an error message saying the package has failed...

Old August 17th, 2005, 08:27 AM
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I crearia a task that verify if in the board of origin registrations exist to insert, if this complies I do the insercion of it contario is carried out nothing

for example

declare cont int

set cont = ( select count(*) from table_temp(datasource)
if cont > 0
   insert into ......
   if @@error <> 0
      print 'ha ocurrido un error en la tabla de destino'
   print 'No hay registros para insertar'

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