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VB Databases Basics Beginning-level VB coding questions specific to using VB with databases. Issues not specific to database use will be redirected to other forums.
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Old August 3rd, 2004, 06:17 AM
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Default Copy tables from one Access DB to Another

How do I do this in VB?

I'm not sure if this makes sense:
Here is my subroutine that does not currently work:

Public Sub DB_CopyTable(ByVal DBPathName$, ByVal TargetTable$, ByVal NewTableName$)
    cnxModelDB.Execute "SELECT " & TargetTable & ".* INTO " & TargetTable & " IN '" & DBPathName & "' From " & NewTableName
    Exit Sub
End Sub

BPathName - path to Target Database
TargetTable - Table Name from the Source Database BUT if this is the case, I'm not sure where I'd indicate the location of this source database...do I need to do something beforehand or put in the whole path???
NewTableName - New Name when copied to Target Database

I'm not sure if I should have the connection of the target DB or the source DB...I don't think it really matters though (?)

Please help! I just need to know the connections, and syntax needed to perform this operation before I create a recordset to query the target DB with all the tables included in it.

Thank you!

Old August 4th, 2004, 09:52 AM
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This worked:

Public Sub DB_CopyTable(ByVal DBPathName$, ByVal TargetTable$, ByVal NewTableName$)
    If TargetTable = "TEDSSEQFN" Then
        cnxDEDSS.Execute "SELECT " & TargetTable & ".* INTO " & TargetTable & " IN '" & DBPathName & "' From " & NewTableName
    ElseIf TargetTable = "TEDSSBookmarks" Then
        cnxModelDB.Execute "SELECT " & TargetTable & ".* INTO " & TargetTable & " IN '" & DBPathName & "' From " & NewTableName
        cnxMacroLibrary.Execute "SELECT " & TargetTable & ".* INTO " & TargetTable & " IN '" & DBPathName & "' From " & NewTableName
    End If

    Exit Sub
End Sub

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