Rowhandle must be released error
I need to open an access database with multiple index in Visual Basic.
This file contains CODE, NAME fields. First I took NAMEwise index and
seek the approprate records. Thats working. Secondly I have tried to
take the CODEwise index, then I got an error message "Row handle must
be released". I think I want to close the first index before taking
the second one. But I dont know the Command like SET INDEX TO in
Visual foxpro to close the first index . Can you someone help me ??
It will be very thankful.
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "prmast", con, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly, adCmdTableDirect
rs.Index = "code"
If Not LCase(rs.Index) = LCase(idxname) Then
tprs.Index = idxname
End If