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Old April 20th, 2004, 12:40 AM
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Default ATL Com Dll :problem in threading

hi all
i have an atl com dll,this dll is hosted inside com+ transaction server,and is used for invoking other business components which are made in vb.
this dll is invoked through asp and input parameters accept progid of the business component to execute along with in,out params.
the trouble is i see this dll behaving in serialized mode that is the call time keeps increasing on number of calls,as if there is some synchronization happening where as i have explicitly made it free threaded component.
i am not having any state inside this dll so i don't need same object to server incoming calls,whaty i want is that objects should be reused and there should be n number of threads of execution not one ,as i can feel.
i tried changing mts setting on component explorer and unchecked requires synchronization but to no effect,i tried checking thread pool with out synchronization but still same.
any idea ?
the problem is call time increases as number of simultaneous calls increase.

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