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Visual C++ Questions specific to Microsoft's Visual C++. For questions not specific to this Microsoft version, use the C++ Programming forum instead.
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Old October 24th, 2003, 08:41 AM
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Default How do I use Visual studio for Visual C++

I am in a beginning C++ class and I would like to use Visual Studio as an IDE for my C++ homework. Which template should I use in Visual Studio ...Win 32 Project?

Thanks in advance!...Kevin

Old October 24th, 2003, 09:21 AM
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Use either Win32 Console Application for a DOS style console project or use MFC AppWizard (exe) for a Windows gui project...in the later you can choose to create a dialog based project, Single Document Interface (SDI) - those are the 2 most common - , or a Multiple Document Interface (MDI). You should go through the MSDN Help for more information on the types of MFC projects.

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