how to assign fo:page-number to a xsl:variable or
my requiremnt is generating consecutive numbers(Line numbers for a PDF ) here content is dynamic so pagecount will change,here i have <fo:page-number> for refering a page but i can't put or assign to a variable.and i have <fo:page-number-citation> how can i use these tags to refer a the problem is we do not know how many numbers we have to generate its all basing on no of pages <xsl:fo> generates,so how can i assign <fo:pagenumber> to a <xsl:variable>.for generating line numbers i can use <xsl:number> but i do not have any corresponding node in the xml file,so there is no possibility of using this there any way to refer a page in Pdf.<fo:page-number>,<fo:pagenumber-citation> these are there but for printing purpose only we can;t put these values into a <xsl:variable >
Thanks in advance