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Old July 19th, 2006, 08:58 AM
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Default XSL-FO

Hello everyone,

We are beginning to convert HTML files into PDF files and I recommended to use XSL-Fo. My question is what kind of technology do we need? I mean how can we transfer the HTML documents to PDF via XSL-FO. I don't ask you to teach me the XSL-FO but I need to have the environment info of this process. Thanks for your help.

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Old July 19th, 2006, 10:04 AM
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First convert your HTML files to XHTML using the JTidy utility from W3C. Then convert the XHTML to XSL-FO using XSLT. I would think that someone must have already written stylesheets to do this, but I'm not aware of any. Try asking on the xsl-list at www.mulberrytech.com if google doesn't show anything up. Then convert the XSL-FO to PDF using an XSL-FO processor. There is a free one, FOP, and several commercial products, and although I haven't used them myself the impression I get from users is that it's worth paying the money.

Michael Kay
Author, XSLT Programmer's Reference and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference
Old July 19th, 2006, 10:10 AM
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quote:Originally posted by mhkay
 First convert your HTML files to XHTML using the JTidy utility from W3C. Then convert the XHTML to XSL-FO using XSLT. I would think that someone must have already written stylesheets to do this, but I'm not aware of any. Try asking on the xsl-list at www.mulberrytech.com if google doesn't show anything up. Then convert the XSL-FO to PDF using an XSL-FO processor. There is a free one, FOP, and several commercial products, and although I haven't used them myself the impression I get from users is that it's worth paying the money.

Michael Kay
Author, XSLT Programmer's Reference and XPath 2.0 Programmer's Reference
So that means as step by step
1) XHTML conversion via JTidy
2) XHTML to XSL-FO conversion via XSLT
3) and then convert it to PDF via FOP
Do I need to use Xerces and Xalan for the transformation?

Another question. I don't know if you are using Altova's XMLSpy. It has also an XML-FO tool but the company where I have been working by, has no licence for this feature of XMLSpy. Is it worth to use it?

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