Hi Mihai,
Thanks for your reply.
I've already written the Select statement I need, however I'm unsure if it will work in an insert query as it is.
For example my query currently reads
Set db = New Connection
db.Open sConnect
Set rec = New ADODB.Recordset
sSQL = "Select Col1, Col2.... From tblx"
rec.Open sSQL, db
Do While Not rec.EOF
sSQL = "Insert Into tbl (col1, col2, ...) Values (" & rec(0) & ", "
& rec(1) ... & ")"
CurrentDb.Execute sSQL
I would like to change this so it reads:
sSQL = "Insert Into tbl (col1, col2, ...) Select Col1, Col2.... From tblx"
CurrentDb.Execute sSQL
The trouble is how do I define the Select query in the second example is via ODBC?
Due to a bug in the driver I can't link the table into the database and I'm adverse to creating a pass-through query in resides in the database.