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Old September 29th, 2007, 07:06 AM
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Default Master Detail

Hello Frnds,

Can you please help me regarding the following problem?

I am having one .mdb file, which contains only tables and queries, and another .mdb file, which contains only forms.

Also I have two tables with one-to-many relationship.



Now I need one master-detail form in which master form will be student details and detail form will be their marks detail.

Please help me.

Old October 1st, 2007, 06:37 AM
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I am assuming that the tables in one file are linked to the other file. If so, make sure the relationship between the Student and Marks tables is indicated in the relationship view with enforce referential integrity checked, then click once on the student table, then click the auto-form button. This will create the form / subform that you want.

Did that help?


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