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Old June 12th, 2003, 04:53 PM
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Default detail-master pages

I would like to create a hyperlink on data retrieved from a database that would sent the user to detailed information from a database..
ex: a persons name(hyperlink) when clicked on by a user, gives detailed information of that person
does one of the wrox books cover this? Does anyone know a good tutorial i could follow? or book? I recently finished "beginning asp databases"
thank you..
Old June 13th, 2003, 04:16 AM
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I'm surprised beginning asp databases doesn't cover stuff like this. The way you choose to do it will depend on what your data structure is, but the basic principle is that you provide a hyperlink which contains the data needed to identify the record which contains the detailed information.

For example, say you want to produce a list of books, with a link to detail for each of the authors. Lets say you also have a simple table structure like this (the ExtraInfo field would be the detail you want to show - in reality it could be many fields):
Books - containing ISBN, Title, AuthorID
Authors - containing AuthorID, AuthorName, ExtraInfo

So we want to produce a table containing
ISBN, Title, AuthorName
for each book, and make the AuthorName a link to the ExtraInfo data.

then lets say you select all the books with this SQL
SELECT b.ISBN, b.Title, b.AuthorID, a.AuthorName
FROM Books b INNER JOIN Authors a
ON b.AuthorID = a.AuthorID
and loop through the resultset (called rs) writing out an html table, you would have something like this:
... code to connect to db and run the query goes here
Response.Write "<table><tr><td>ISBN</td><td>Title</td><td>Author</td></tr>"
Do While Not rs.EOF
  Response.Write "<tr>"
  Response.Write "<td>" & rs("ISBN") & "</td>"
  Response.Write "<td>" & rs("Title") & "</td>"
  Response.Write "<td>"
  Response.Write "<a href='detailpage.asp?authorid=" & rs("AuthorID") & "'</a>"
  Response.Write rs("AuthorName") & "</td>"
  Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write "</table>"
So that's your html table created.

Then you write detailpage.asp which picks up the authorid from the QueryString and uses it to query the Authors table and return and display the ExtraInfo field.

There are other ways to pass AuthorID to the next page (e.g use js to populate a hidden field in a form and then submit the form), but this gives you the general principle.


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